Original Paintings & Giclee Prints
I'm Tricia McWhorter.
From the time I could hold a crayon in my hand I have been creating art.
I grew up in a small town just north of San Francisco. We had a tall circle of redwood trees in our backyard and beyond our fence ran a small creek where I spent my childhood exploring nature and playing with my imaginary friends.
My belief in life's magic and my sense of wonder are both very much alive. I have the ability to get lost in my daydreams, and to enter an object or scene through its colors and objects. This allows me to dive beneath the surface of what is obvious and translate the feelings I experience into art.
These days I mostly work in soft pastels although I also love using a myriad of other mediums when I create such as oils, watercolors, photography, mixed media, digital art and even the written word. I delight in the surprises I discover through the process of creating.
Currently I am staying in a guest house on a gorgeous piece of land in northwestern Washington. I am surrounded by trees, mountains, pastures and water. My neighbor raises sheep and chickens. Wildlife is abundant. Every day brings a new adventure and
I find the play of light and shadow here endlessly fascinating.
You can purchase original artwork I create or prints and merchandise.